Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Tuesday, 16 February 2021

The Anthropocene Epoc

 My applied research problem is how design within Art and Design materials can contribute within carbon neutrality as a priority to reduce climate change.


"The epidemic psychosis of our time is the lie of believing we have no ethical obligation to our planetary home" Theodore Roesak"
Heritage and artisan beliefs are a continuous part of my practice inspired through critical campaigns regarding saving our planet i.e. Greenpeace Campaigns Strategies discouraging destructive pollution via development of sustainable materials. Linked to ethical philosophy and life style living choices for each and every one of use to draw down climate change.


                                     Marketing  Green Issues


My project  creative direction is about marketing ideas and current debates to encourage consumers and viewers to seek a deeper understanding of ecology. 

These debates, actions and new emerging strategies can be packaged into various product ideas including screen printing inks, drawing inks and the packaging required i.e. bio plastic development and recycled waxed paper for marketing sustainable art materials for art and design purposes.

While testing inks and new developments within packaging I will be developing visual art incorporating campaign strategies to encourage society to draw down climate change through appropriate lifestyle choices.


Aims and objectives

What are the current benefits and drawbacks to developing greener and more sustainable materials for art and design and how can designers currently promote ecology issues to a broader audience to discourage the use of non-biodegradable materials which are having a devasting effect on our planet. It is my intention to research where the current problems are with climate change and which non-biodegradable products are causing the most harm.

Combating climate change is a key inspiration for developing inks for screen printing I recognised a need to look at some of the ingredients to find new bio degradable sustainable alternatives. Through analysing my sustainable inks through my previous practice linked to my master’s degree, I developed inks using natural dye methodsfor screen printing. I recognised the need to look at some of the ingredients to find biodegradable sustainable alternatives. Once I started developing the inks I recognised the need for sustainable packaging removing plastic waste via developing a natural based resin /bioplastic or waterproof cardboard made from recycled paper. These ideas are a natural research development available to me to develop further. While continuing to develop and excel in making natural inks. A development in order to create a sustainable future for art and design products making creative practices even more sustainable to keep our planets biodiversity for ourselves and our planets plants and animals. Looking deeply into how my research can impact and draw down carbon emissions to reduce climate change. Sharing this knowledge and also creating art that promotes and encourages change within societies current effects on global warming is how I intend to extend my art and design practice further.


The need for carbon neutrality within creative industries is a key direction for all aspects of the design industry. Sustainability has and will always be a key direction for my own creative practice and lifestyle choices. (both being integral within my own carbon footprint)

I am researching a number of key strategies to become neutral within me 

design practice.

“Carbon Neutral status can be achieved in two ways. Balancing carbon dioxide emissions with carbon neutral processes, often through carbon off setting, or the process of removing or sequencing carbon dioxide from atmosphere to make up for emissions elsewhere” (Wikipedia)

Keeping our natural surroundings is important, rewilding brown land currently polluted is also a requirement to put back our natural world in order to drawdown climate change.

While studying my MA, I recognised the need to promote visually within my design practice the need to link to global campaigns reflecting the need to protect our natural world by reducing our single use plastic waste. 

Finding ways to reduce waste is an important strategy, looking at ways to reduce this made me think about how to make my designs more sustainable.

 Researching my own inks for drawing and printing has become part of my research. I have more research to develop including researching developing biodegradable resins/plastics/waterproof cardboard for packaging eco conscious inks using local sustainable resources.

Finding ways to reduce waste is an important strategy, looking closely and in more detail is part of current research. I have realised there is so much more research I can achieve within this area; my MA was purely the test run for a bigger more important research development. My preferred method of research analysis and documentation is through a detailed journal through my online blog and traditional sketch books. I find this a useful storage system which I can also receive feedback from. My iPhone app makes it simple and easy to develop. This way of processing information gives me access to producing hardback journals which gives a tactile and easy way to see a lot of research easily through page flicking. 

I find this a valued way to personally reflect and evaluate my research in a clear and organised way.


Keeping our biodiversity landscape is important for our plant’s survival.

Continuing my research into using local natural resources to create art resources for myself and also to create research that can be utilised by others to reduce waste is part of my current philosophy-based design practice, working and collaborating inside community projects is a direction I am developing forward.

Due to current lockdown processes I am also proposing online podcasts, workshops and collaborative discussions on creative practice  and carbon neutrality.








          Research Question/Hypothesis


The values and ethics of sustainable materials development for art and design practice is an ever-developing question. My research questions encompass the potential benefits of sustainable materials for art and design including printing inks/resins/bioplastics. Developing printing inks for my practical design practice to encourage consumers by promoting a greener more sustainable lifestyle “promoting the natural world researching what the key points are for environmental conservation. Creating packaging to co-inside with ink and ingredients needed to produce a current carbon neutrality-based product for art and design use.


Considering the current and previous schools of thought in regard to land ecology and usage the following statement applies to be analysed.

“The measure of economic success must include the health of our air, water, soils, climate and wildlife.

In comparison the 20thcentury strategy which is still being processed in the majority of land management across the globe is “ The only important measure of economic success is GDP, growth rates , profits, share prices.” Social and economic pressures on the environment are multi-faceted ,however plastic waste is having a devasting effects on global marine life (oceans covering 70% of the earth) makes it a very important research area. Currently 8 million tons of plastic waste enters our oceans every year. Due to current global warming icecaps are melting and more specifically Antarctica and Artic landscapes are melting at a dramatic level, effecting oxygen levels in turn reduces ice algae which is fundamental important for our oceans and food chain for all living creatures in our oceans. Pollution is impacting on millions of people who depend on the marine environments.

“Hence, scientists, governments ,international organizations, such as the United Nations(UN) , European Union(EU) and the world at large continue to invest money ,time, energy, and resources to find a permanent solution to the issue.” (09.02.21/ sustainability 2020,12,8677;doi:10.3390/su12208677)






Introduction /Background/Rational



Researching current attitudes in regard to protecting wildlife is an essential research in order to find new ways of protecting are wildlife and encouraging health and prosperity for both humans and nature. Natures wildlife areas are decreasing, and humans are encroaching on wildlife areas opening up potential problems including Covid 19 viruses currently taking over the world predicted to be due to wild animal meat being sold in live markets in china, social and economic analysis being a fundamental reason for why the world health is currently underpinned with global crisis.

·      In these challenging times it’s important to find out why we are currently inside of a global pandemic, our natural world is depleting, and humans and wildlife are becoming entwined in desperate environments. Wildlife environments have a multi-etude of viruses still unknown to science when a wild virus mutates. We need to find answers to reduce pollution, increase wildlife areas, create more wildlife sanctuaries across the globe and life sustainable life styles. If we do not strive for these goals the world will continue to create more mutated viruses creating global chaos including 

dangerous weather situations due to climate change.

·      Researching current data on carbon neutral product development and also current attitudes  towards climate change and lifestyle behaviour via research questions  and data will help in order to strategies key information in regard to reducing waste for future art and design material developments.



Plastic waste in our oceans and rivers has hit an all-time high and is set to double in the next 10 years, combating this problem has been exasperated via our current global pandemic with the use of disposable PPE. 

Researching climate change, our oceans and our ever-reducing Antarctic icecaps are my main areas of research. Finding information out on current data and strategizing ways in which lifestyle choices within purchasing and behaviour can help reduce climate warming and draw down climate temperature changes to reduce and remove the current climate emergency is where I want my research to take.

Looking closely at the impact’s plastic waste has on the health of ecosystems and humans and how design developments can help in the pursuit of carbon neutrality.

 Consumption of sustainable materials is a key factor in reducing waste using materials that are organic that will decompose within a natural environment which does not pollute is fundamentally important , the complexities of pollution, climate change and species extinctions. Reducing chemical use is a key factor in reducing green house gases, 30 percent of green house comes from food production, chemical use means more water is used which also effects climate change.


Antarctica is depleting at a fast level, 70% of Antarctica ice has already melted in the last 30 years.600 tons of ice is being lost at sea. Methane is being expelled in mass quantities which was previously frozen. Methane is far more potent than carbon monoxide. Recent research has predicted a reduction in current carbon dioxide global absorption rates C02  via plants, oceans, soils at 50% may be coming to an end the new Anthropocene era where by humans are effecting the eco system in away that is changing and modifying our plant in a considerable way which has meant we have reached a tipping point which could spell a complete change in every single component of our global cycle i.e. deforestation, urbanization, food production changes in our chemical  and ecological composition of our oceans, ocean eradication and de-oxygenation all of which will mean humans and animals will have less and less food oxygen and habitats to live in. All of which of which are essential in a growing populated world. The choices of today that we make will affect the choices of our future generations and the biodiversity of our natural world.

Researching bio-plastics, no chemical inks and using local natural materials for art and design materials will add to the ever-growing demand for low carbon emission products for the future.

What are the potential benefits of sustainable printing inks on drawing down global warming and the benefits of sustainable packaging on our plant’s future.



Theoretical Perspectives


“Marine plastic pollution as an emerging Anthropocene risk.


Human activities are capable of changing the normal functioning of Earth-system processes in ways that amplify risks to societies worldwide. One of the most conspicuous anthropogenic activities is the manufacturer, use and disposal of plastic. This synthetic material is so widespread throughout the environment that plastic is now considered as a geographical maker of the Anthropocene, the emerging epoch in which humans activities have a decisive influence on the state, dynamics and future of the earths system. Most plastics took of rapidly since the 1950’s, shaping the development of modern society. Global production of plastic resin increased from 1.5 billion tons in 1950’s, to 322 million tons in 2015. Estimates are during 2010, between 4.8 and 12.7 million tons of mis-managed land based plastic waste entered the oceans. The absolute amount is difficult to calculate, due to the many different sources and environmental transport pathways, but marine plastic pollution(MPP) is now ubiquitous in marine environment”(journal: marine policy

“From a stratigraphic perspective, there is a clear Anthropocene threshold between pre-plastic and post plastic systems, but for a chemical pollutant to pose a planetary boundary threat, it’s environmental exposure and/or its disruptive effects must be poorly reversed. Marine plastic pollution will always fulfil this condition, as the ultimate end-fate of most mis-managed plastics is in the ocean..


 The ubiquity of plastic debris and the feasibility of its substantial removal from the marine environment, especially in the case of micro- sized particles , mean that exposure is essentially irreversible. Recent estimates suggest the presence of a least 5 trillion plastic pieces floating in the oceans. Plastic material has been observed in most domains of the physical environment, including biosphere, cryosphere's, ocean sediments and even the atmosphere, to the extent that lately been considered a stratigraphic marker of Anthropocene. MPP is accumulating around the convergence zones in the five subtropical ocean gyres and the Arctic Ocean. These large-scale accumulation zones are a consequence of the effects of winds, ocean’s surface currents and the thermohaline circulation. Furthermore, concentrations comparable to those in the subtropical gyres have been recorded close to highly populated areas such as the Mediterranean Sea, Bay of Bengal, South China Sea and Gulf of Mexico. Organisms ingesting and later egesting MPP also play a role in the global distribution of plastic particles. The biological pathway cannot be halted or reversed. The weathering of microplastics is a major source of the micronized plastic particles currently present in the marine environment. The main mechanisms for this are degradation by mechanical wave action,UV photodegradation, and changing genetic diversity. These properties cannot be inactivated. 

Recent studies also highlight the importance of land-based breakdown of textile fibres as a source of microplastic. Thus , even if inputs of microplastic debris in the marine environment will inevitably continue to increase with an associated outlook of shifting exposure and complex effects on different ecosystems. A major uncertainty relates to the disruption of systemic connections between the physical and the living components of the Earths system. Here carbon sequestration illustrates the issues because the global carbon cycle is one of the biophysical foundations of the earth system. It links ocean processes with the atmosphere, biosphere, and terrestrial environment and plays a vital role in balancing the climate system. Mechanisms can be envisaged where MPP affects the ability of the oceans to sequester carbon  into the major global reservoirs of deep-water bodies and ocean sediments, biological and physicochemical means.

The consequences on the carbon cycle would only be detectable on a global scale, and after a considerable time lag. A biologically-mediated disruption to the long-term storage of carbon could occur if biological processes at the base of the ecosystem functions are altered because of the presence of plastic. MPP could alter marine populations through booms or collapses, including the extinction of keystone  species. MPP may also have the capacity to cause a biophysically-mediated disruption. The flux faecal pellets are an important component of the biological pump of carbon(including anthropogenic atmospheric carbon) to ocean sediments. Microparticles of polystyrene alter the properties and sinking rates of faecal pellets egested by marine zooplankton. Particulate material could thus interfere with the flow of carbon nutrients in the water column, affecting  the regulation of global  biogeochemical flows in turn affecting  the future trophic chains. The physical burial  of plastic materials may also  represent a shift in long term carbon storage, since it does not share the element ratio of living material. Recent estimates for the marine plastic debris range from between 86 and 150 million tons of plastic. A large fraction of the plastic known to of entered the surface ocean is not currently accounted for. It is ultimate fate is to be deposited(directly or through the biota) onshore or on the sea floor."


"MPP is a globally sustainability challenge, a clear example of the tragedy of commons, difficult to manage and govern globally. Plastic waste is being addressed by multinational frameworks."  (journal home-page :


The Anthropecene;Making sense of the climate change 




“A good short definition of the Anthropocene is the epoch where human component of the earth system is large enough to affect how it functions. When the scale of human impact is that large, the corresponding solutions to major human problems will often end up being large and so may have unintended consequences for the Earth system and for us. This is a key draw back of using geoengineering techniques such as reflecting some of the Sun’s energy back to space as a way of solving our emission problem. But even under the hopeful scenario of meeting the Paris Agreement goals, the planet would be further transformed to the detriment of some of the world’s most diverse habitats. The main stream positive and progressive storyline of solving climate change substitutes one disaster for another. The delay-climate-action-and-make-nature-pay-later story is not a wise one to tell ourselves. In essence it is still the old religious idea of human dominating nature rendered in mathematical equations. Much less destructive pathways are possible to limit global warming, but within the norms of the current consumer capitalist mode of living they are too easily discarded as “unrealistic”, so the public and the policy makers never even ever hear them. These difficulties suggest that for a global network of interconnected cultures to thrive in the Anthropocene a suite of much more radical interventions may be required.(P399, The human Planet.How we created the Anthropocene. Lewis.S.L,Maslim.MA.Penguin.2018)

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Carbon Neutrality

  PhD Proposal Statement

My applied research problem is about forms of design within Art and Design materials using carbon neutrality as priority to reduce climate change.

"The epidemic psychosis of our time is the lie of believing we have no ethical obligation to our planetary home" Theodore Roesak"
Heritage and artisan beliefs are a continuous part of my practice inspired through critical campaigns regarding saving our planet i.e Greenpeace Campaigns Strategies discouraging distructive pollution via development of sustanable materials. Linked to ethical philosophy and life style living choices for each and everyone of use to draw down climate change.

Combating climate change was a key inspiration for developing inks for screen printing I recognised a need to look at some of the ingredients to find new bio degradable sustainable alternatives. Through analysing my sustainable inks through my previous practice linked to my Masters Degree,I developed inks using natural dye

for screen printing. I recognised the need to look at some of the ingredients to find biodegradable sustainable alternatives. Once I started developing the inks I recognised the need for sustainable packaging removing plastic waste via developing a natural based resin to waterproof cardboard made from recycled paper. These seems like a natural research development available to me to develop further. While continuing to develop and excel in making natural inks. A development in order to create a sustainable future for art and design products making creative practices even more sustainable to keep our planets biodiversity for ourselves and our planets plants and animals.

 Nottinghamshire , England, Planet Earth

The need for carbon neutrality within creative industries is a key direction for all aspects of the design industry. 
Sustainability has and will always be a key direction for my own creative practice and lifestyle choices.(both being integral within my own carbon footprint)
I am researching a number of key strategies to become neutral within my design practice.
“Carbon Neutral status can be achieved in two ways. Balancing carbon dioxide emissions with carbon neutral processes, often through carbon off setting, or the process of removing or sequencing carbon dioxide from atmosphere to make up for emissions elsewhere” (Wikipedia)

Keeping our natural surroundings is important, rewinding brown land currently polluted is also a requirement to put back our natural world.

While studying my MA, I recognised the need to promote visually within my design practice the need to link to global campaigns reflecting the need to protect our natural world by reducing our single use plastic waste. 
Finding ways to reduce waste is an important strategy, looking at ways to reduce this made me think about how to make my designs more sustainable.
 Researching my own inks for drawing and printing has become part of my research. I have more research to develop including researching developing biodegradable resins/plastics/waterproof cardboard for packaging eco conscious inks using local sustainable resources.
Finding ways to reduce waste is an important strategy, looking closely and in more detail is part of of current research. I have realized there is so much more research I can achieve within this area, my MA was purely the test run for a more bigger more important research development. My preferred method of research analysis and documentation is through a detailed journal through my online blog. I find this a useful storage system which I can also receive feedback from. My iPhone app makes it simple and easy to develop. This way of processing information gives me access to producing hardback journals which gives a tactile and easy way to see a lot of research easily through page flicking. 
I find this a valued way to personally reflect and evaluate my  research in a clear and organized way.

Keeping our biodiversity landscape is important for our planets survival.
Continuing my research into using local natural resources to create art resources for myself and also to create research that can be utilized by others to reduce waste is part of my current philosophy based design practice, working and collaborating inside community projects is a direction I am developing forward.
Due to current lockdown processes I am also proposing online podcasts, workshops and collaborative discussions on creative practice carbon neutrality.

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

My witness statement by David Attenbourgh

David Attenborough has been an inspiration for the human race for many decades. His illuminating natural  history programmes have been inspirational. This particular programme. Lays out in layman’s terms how pollution, deforestation, and human population increases is effecting our planets bio diversity and in turn extinction is occurring for  many of our beautiful plants and animals for good. 
My recent MA degree has outlined all that David Attenbourgh is explaining in his new series. It is my intention to continue my studying with a PHD with the subject area of Design.
I am wishing to continue my research into new sustainable design processes in order to create a more sustainable arena for product designs and in turn lifestyle choices. The reason for my research is to help the planet rebuild and sustain as much natural landscapes and wildlife as possible.
Creating eco conscious natural, inks and dyes has been part of my research previously, however I would also like to look at developing bio degradable plastic or resins to build on up cycling and reusing products and materials .to reduce the amount of waste and  drawing down effect of oxygen in our atmosphere. Pollution replaces oxygen with chemicals including carbon monoxide which is increasing climate temperatures creating devastating effects on our planet decreasing our natural world by unimaginable levels.
I believe this is the future of designing manufacturing and life style choices to save our planets future.  

Sunday, 20 September 2020

Reduce Climate Change

2020 has been the hottest year on record. The melting ice caps are reducing Artic and Antarctica landscape reducing habitats and changing the eco system. Increasing the temperature of our oceans killing coral reefs and planton removing sustainability of our oceans will lead to climate change catastrophe on an unprecedented level.
Changing life style choices and living a more sustainable live will encourage others to do the same.
Removing plastic waste is a key factor in drawing down pollution and in turn increasing the natural habitat for a greener world.  

Friday, 24 April 2020

Micro plastics found in Antarctica Ice

                  Antarctica Plastic

Scientists have found micro plastic in sea ice in Antarctica, showing a disturbing trend towards plastic pollution everywhere on earth. It has been 50 years since plastic was produced industrially supposedly better than glass, when it reached beaches people believed it to be saver than glass as it didn’t cut people’s feet. At the time it was considered save as the majority of plastic produced was assumed to be land filled. Due to it taking centuries to decompose we have a disaster ensuing which needs to be dealt with. Making bio degradable plastics is one why to fix this problem, making it edible for wildlife is also beneficial.
The following link explains what has been found in Antarctica ice.

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Up Cycling in Design

Up Cycling :Sustainable Design

Decorating an old Fashion Mannequin with buttons saved from a previous fashion business, more buttons to add using dress makers pins with pearl and diamanté tips. 

Added more buttons to up cycled project button adornment on mannequin.

Completed Homage to Fashion Mannequin using buttons and studs from my previous fashion business. I have attached them using pins with pearl ends and therefore can use the buttons if needed and can enjoy looking at them all embellishing my old fashion mannequin. 

Upcycling and using up things that you already own into new exciting fashion items to wear or for the home is the new genre. Fashion products are encompassing this new look which can be described as Steam Punk, shabby chic.

To reduce carbon emissions reducing waste is a key factor in sustainable living, currently their are a number of ways that people can link to this age old way of renewing and re using. one of which is crafting your own artifacts, interior pieces and clothing. As a designer and a teacher encouraging and nurturing peoples desires to be more eco conscious and to reduce waste, creatives are offering small craft projects in local areas in church halls, schools and clubs.
Creative works shops and current TV programmes including finding project ideas at local tips and re using by customizing old furniture and pieces of vintage fabrics into new art concepts from old warn out products is helping reduce climate change.
As I am currently working as a supply teacher covering art lessons, DT and textiles I am looking into developing my own areas of interest including jewellery projects in which I would access a short jewellery course in Nottingham to help me with my craft practice in this area.
Other areas of interest would be to develop a small courses myself within Art printing and design development, possible Photoshop for textiles including repeat pattern developments for art and craft enthusiasts and current crafters.

I have recently attended a number of Christmas craft fairs were I have viewed a number of upcycled craft stalls created some lovely ideas. Within my MA I have created processes to eliminate chemical dyes and printing inks, developing my own inks for writing and inks for printing. using natures colours within my local area i.e nettle dyes and blackberry, avocado pips and other natural colours has inspired me to consider sharing this with other craft people and artisans.

Hand made Rare Rabbits photographed by Terry Williams for Lofthandmade.

Loft Handmade are a local group who work out of Edingley  Church hall who currently run small workshops, knit and natter groups and have crafts for sale in their studio space. Also their is a large collection of fabrics , buttons and haberdashery. They also over a knit and natter group were all age groups are welcome.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Climate Change Debate

Climate Change Emergency.

This week many people across the globe have been demonstrating for climate change through actively grouping together and marching.Collectively requesting that governments create more opportunity to encourage and create more green environments, more sustainable energy.The removal of plastic waste, the need to save the destruction of our natural habitats and to stop the current tipping points of our climate change future. Protecting current species and prevent the extinction of our wildlife and bio diversity.

In order to do this we all need to change our habits, consider what we are buying and what effect our purchases are doing to the environment. Considering greener products, removing unnecessary plastics from our individual shopping bags us one way of achieving this. Using our own re usable water bottles, buying glass bottled milk, shopping locally at farm.shops and local stores that don’t use single use plastics is one simple yet important aspect if every day life. If we all make current changes we can help maintain a greener environment and reduce climate change.
The following manifesto has been created by the Marine Conservation society to lay down what is needed to improve Oceans and marine life.

Monday, 22 July 2019

Green Issues In Design: Chapter I

Chapter I.

Design Responsibilities

"By design, then, we do not mean a drawing made in his studio by the designer-a design for something-but rather the thing itself but with that drawing, the preceding idea of the thing and the succeeding process of manufacturer all implicit" Antony Bertram, Design in Everyday things: The BBC(1937). (Neil Maycroft(2018)University Lincoln handout sheet course MA Design)

While researching design responsible companies who have similar believes in eco conscious philosophy I discovered Patagonia who include Environmental issues within their design parameters. 
Patagonia insight : The outdoor clothing company and climbing gear founder Yvon Chouinard is a good example of how a business can consider an ethical business strategy. It turns over currently $230 Million and is known as one of the most environmentally responsible corporations on the Planet. 
In his own words "I realized that our crisis was a microcosm of what was going on all over the world. The world watch institute's state of the world report for that year 1991,stated "With annual output of 20 trillion, the global economy now produces in 17 days what took an entire year to generate in 1900"."Already,economic activity has breached numerous local, regional and global thresholds resulting in the spread of deserts, acidification of lakes and forests and the build up of green house gases. If growth proceeds along this line of recent decades it is only a matter of time before global systems collapse under pressure" ( Chouinard, Y(2006.)from Patogonia Inc founder and owner over  three decades ago ring true within today's climate changing world. One other interesting part of Patogonia is there investments in environmental grass roots conservationist activities(donating $22 trillion to environmental foundations since 1985).
Shopping the Eco Way. It is accurate to suggest that everything we purchase,own thats made will have an environmental impact , therefore one has to ask the question whether you are producers or consumers. Is this purchase necessary? Have I already got this? How can I impact less on the environment? If I am buying something how long will it last? How will I recycle it? when it wears  out or breaks.

Design Philosophy incorporating  ecology based issues can be used whenever a new design is being concepted, thought through and produced, they are guidelines and include updating and developing new strategies to improve eco conscious values of each product.
Including environmental ethics within a design manifesto is a useful design process to go through to encourage a symmetry of ethics which builds a design profile for each design creating a symbiosis  of choices to create cohesion for each design or range for each season.

The following design values and philosophy was developed for Patagonia inc and presented to the board by Jerry Mander (a member of the board of directors in 1991 an author and deep ecologist)
"Our Values: We begin with the premise that all life on Earth is facing a critical time, during which survivability will be the issue that increasingly dominates public concern. 

( Appendix IV.A full explanation)
Inspiration came from the mountains in Patagonia name

Early Patagonia Inc Smithy work


        Cultural and Social Philosophy

While researching traditional textiles and anthropology I have noticed how traditional cultures like to practice environmental sustaining practices within their environment for future seasons and for the future of their culture, i.e native American Indians, Inuit's ,Amazonian tribes and many more native cultures of the world. Unfortunately western society has not kept to these traditions and since the industrial revolution has been polluting the world. Because of this some designers and manufacturers have built in their own ethical philosophy.
The philosophy stated in appendix IV was created by Patagonia Inc to help build a brand and keep to their original outdoor ethical approach to life style choices that limits their carbon footprints as much as possible. 

The David Attenborough Effect

The new phrase which is moving through the media is "the Attenborough effect" since his most recent documentary series blue planet showing the devastation that plastic waste in our oceans is having on our wild life through societies views and reactions to his documentaries. This series has helped people to make better choices when purchasing products, re thinking their views on sustainability and environmentalism. The episodes showed a mother whale carrying her dead baby around for days(killed through plastic waste being consumed by the mother whale and it's effect on her milk production) baby birds eating plastic waste, coastlines full of pollution. Their are numerous action groups that have joining pages on the internet encouraging people to protect our oceans and prevent plastic waste.
A recent report by GlobalWebIndex shows that 53% of people surveyed in the US and UK have reduced their single use plastic over the last 12 months.
"Over the past year, the fight against plastic pollution has gained momentum around the world. More than 60 countries have taken action to restrict plastic production and consumption, major multinational companies have invested in alternatives, and ordinary people have spearheaded ocean clean-ups. And now the movement he helped to grow is driving fundamental change at legislative level. The UK government is currently consulting with plastic experts to develop polices to improve recycling rates and reduce plastic production, according to Geoff Brighty, the technical director of plastic Oceans. " It is has really crystallised in the government's mind that the public consciousness has moved to a place where we don't want it to affect our ecosystems,Brightly said"( by Joe McCarthy and Erica Sanchez .accessed 28/07/19). Appendix XV and Appendix XVII include market research on new emerging design innovations and predicted design future concepts.

Traditional collage was adapted using photoshop negative positive effect to use within tote bag lining. The pattern represents carbon footprints and the desire to save our environment.(my daughters foot print taken when she was a baby)
Hand made collage to create pattern repeat. I have since learnt how to pattern repeat using photoshop applications, however to gain initial concepts I still use my sketch book cut and glue to gain inspiration initially.

                                      Plastic Waste
Initial hand printing using old cast iron printing alphabet pieces used in old printing presses. Developed into a screen print to use as a slogan on the back of tote bags to encourage consumers to use less single use plastics.

There are a number of key debates occurring within our government including a white paper on the fashion industry and it's key effects on wastage and recycling of which can be read in full via the link Fashion and sustainability.


Fashion & sustainability

Recommendation 1

1.We want to see a thriving fashion industry in the UK that provides decent work, inspires creativity and contributes to the economic success of the UK. The fashion industry’s current business model is unsustainable, especially with growing populations and rising levels of consumption across the globe. Over-consumption and climate change are driving widespread environmental damage. The exploitative and linear business model for fashion must change. The various parts of the fashion industry must come together to set out their blueprint for a net zero emissions world. This will require reducing their carbon consumption back to 1990 levels. Given scientists’ stark warnings on climate change and biodiversity loss, we need to fix fashion. (Paragraph 22).(Appendix VI:Fashion and Sustainability white paper:Houses of parliament whitepaperUK)

One of the key pointers in todays society within global issues concerning product design is the plastic waste situation that is currently occurring at this moment and also the problem of all the plastic that has ever been produced is still on the planet, taking hundreds of years to decompose if ever!
 The pollution of our planets eco system and the fact that plastic can be found in every part of our oceans entering our food change and effecting climate change through the erosion of our natural habitat.Via the sequential removal of oxygenated plants and animals to effect draw down processes removing the reduction of carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.Appendix IX contains a scientific paper on Marine Plastic pollution and current and future trends on plastic pollution in our rivers and oceans across the globe.
One of the key factors that scientists have recognised is the ever increasing rubbish dumps within key areas of our oceans. The Great Pacific Garbage dump, it's current size as big as Alaska or France.
   Below is a short clip showing and describing the Great Pacific Garbage Dump

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Green Issues in Design :Acknowledgements

      Green issues in Design.   Acknowledgements.

I would like to thank all those people responsible for helping me through my exploratory project brief discussing green issues within my MA Design course work.

Considering design making, design practice and consumer awareness for a better future for our planet. Striving for a sustainable future, I would like to acknowledge a special mention to Felicity Shum who not only helped me on a practical level within print making but also within a mentoring role and friendship ,while I was processing through my academic philosophy and design practical work.

The main issues of concern within my project is based around current climate change issues and concerns for our oceans and wildlife which are currently under threat. While progressing through the different aspects of the courses curriculum I chose to specialize within a Green Peace Campaign “Antarctica Ocean Sanctuary.

I would like to thank Green Peace for their current and past climate change campaigning including their desires to ban whaling. Through their untiring approach from their early beginnings which through my own life experiences, I have watched and respected for many years.

May the diligence and struggles of climate change campaigning continue until the world becomes a global sanctuary without pollution and destructive practice via human mankind’s desire for monetary gain.

I would also like to make a special mention to Prince Charles and the Princes Trust for making my independent career possible allowing me to live a life style choice that incorporated sustainable fashion choices for my customer base and myself. Allowing me to be part of a new generation of eco conscious designers leading the way to improve production processes to include handcrafted items using natural resources reducing waste and improving choices for the consumer.
May Holden nee Leithhead (my Grandmother)
My grandmother May Leithhead fell walking in the Scottish highlands who influenced my desires and dreams for a natural world paying attention to my own impacts on the environment. She was an advocate to environmental concerns for our natural environment.

Appendix 1:Includes Extracts from Design Journal

The Green Peace Story Documentary: The Ecology fight for a cleaner World :You tube : The Green Peace Promotion : Short Clip You tube : End to Japanese Whaling in Antarctica :Youtube

Green Issues : Design and Lifestyle Choices

Eco Evo:Green Issues

Images of MA Show and MA Journal.

By Victoria Meadows

MA Design : Dissertation 

                                                     History of Conservation of Nature

The beginning of conservation and respect for nature can be seen through history starting from early history of mankind when nature’s wildlife and seasons were incorporated into early religions i.e Sun gods, sacrifices to improve weather changes and harvests. Customs and ancient ceremonies to pay homage to the earth’s natural surroundings can be seen through different cultures around the world.
Specific laws were created in medieval times to protect woodland for the pleasure of nobility and royals. After the Norman conquest large areas of land were annexed using forest laws.
Some of the first conservation areas of the early medieval period were granted mainly so that landowners and royalty could hunt freely. Knowing there would not be any depletion of game in their private woods by making it illegal to poach on the kings lands

Forest laws were extended in the 18th century called the black law, hanging people for encroaching on to Royal hunting grounds. These laws extended to overseas colonies of which the remnants are used to create conservation areas today. Re wilding is a relatively old theory which is being used today to create new Natural areas of land to help reach  drawdown to prevent global warming
Conservation needs of today go far more than previously has ever seen. Individuals can become a movement of people activism, campaigning and demanding change through group discussions and using the world web. I have challenged this theory through my blog "NaturesArmour, and through my dissemination I added my blog to social media, it is also currently life on line. I have received enough feedback to increase my page reviews by adding to community blogsites to increase awareness of climate change, lifestyle choices and green design strategies within design.

                                 Environmental Impact of Humans

Historically humans have been having an impact on our environment since evolution evolved our planet and homo Sapiens became the super power race against most predators. When as hunters and gathers humans started to farm and domesticate animals we can see climate change being effected by mankind’s lifestyle. 

During the late 19th century within Industrial Revolution a number of Artists and critics voiced their concerns. In regard to pollution. (“If only the geologists would let me alone, I could do very well, but those dreadful Hammer’s! I hear the dink of them at the end of every cadence of the Bible verses”.(John Ruskin, letter to Henry Acland 1851).
 As the textile designer, poet and social activist William Morris explains the need that "Nature and History Morris asserted were, or at least ought to be, the two great teachers of mankind. This statement shows in part Morris's environmentist values and is connected to the pre-Raphaelite art movement that includes the aesthetic movement. His hatred for the industrial revolution is well documented. When researching textile history we can see great changes during the industrial revolution created by Britain's technical innovations resulting in social change.

        Textile Technologies/Handmade

 Within the twentieth and twenty-first century we are seeing new transformations of design, manufacture and consumer interaction. As it is explained in The Handbook of Textile Culture "In  a post-industrial culture the artisanal, material cultures once marginalized as lacking the authority of symbolic meaning, or the capacity for abstract thinking, are becoming reconsidered as a source of knowledge. Integrating the techne-technique and technologies of manufacturer by hand and machine". A new collaboration of the old and the new, techniques, philosophies and theories of knowledge. 

        Design Choices and Lifestyle Issues

“The Romantic movement which included aestheticism were protesting over the destruction of idyllic rural life for a world of dark Satanic Mills written in William Blake’s 1804 poem.” (Lewis and Maslin.2018.206). One of the earliest environmental needs based action campaigns was created by the artist/poet Sir William Blake. He started an organization called the coal smoke abatement society which was founded in Richmond in 1898 which resulted in the smoke abatement Act including soot, ash and gritty particles.

Another well known campaign that ended in a riot was in Nottinghamshire when “artisanal textile workers broke machines to defend their wages against further declines. Known as the Luddites they began in Arnold, Nottingham, on 11th March 1811, with over two thousand people marching and then smashing sixty-eight spinning frames”.(Lewis and Maslin,2018.206). 
Scientific revolution sprung into the new industrial world. An example of this is when in 1824 Joseph Aspdin patented a chemical process known as Portland cement which has since revolutionized building techniques. Electricity, the invention of the light bulb and the use of fossil fuels have contributed to today’s global warming.

A lot of new knowledge came out of the 19th century including Darwin’s theory of evolution which set religious philosophy against scientists in fact Darwin did not publish his papers due to concerns via ridicule from religious leaders.
"In their seminal work, Cloth and Human Experience, Weiner and Schneider(1991) remark that 'complex' moral and sexuality, find ready expression through cloth. Indeed they argue, 'cloth has further organizational of social and political life', evoking ideas of tying or bringing together many different kinds of publics whether through the banners of the Suffragettes and Trade Unions or the wrapping of the fences at Greenham Common, or the laying down of Aids quilt or through addressing issues and relations that are not pre-given through kinship but are produced in gatherings and cooperations." (Jefferies.J.Wood Conroy.D.Clark.H(2018)The hand book of textile Culture.Bloomsbury.)


                                   Carbon Dioxide Spike

 Scientists are working across the globe
 researching how environmental strategies across the globe are being carried out in order to keep current and develop new emerging  techniques to reverse global warming 3.00pm)this graph is based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric C02, has increased since the industrial revolution.
   Ocean Theme

Oceans and sea creatures have been depicted within art and design since ancient Greeks and Romans and other ancient cultures, tribes and religions. I have chosen to use oceans, wildlife, natural flora, nautical imagery as my focus in order to improve knowledge of conservation and marine ecology of our oceans. The oceans contain a huge variety of life recent estimations conclude their are up to 2 million species found in and around coral reefs, the sea produces around half of all oxygen we breath( thanks to phytoplankton, tiny single cell ocean plants). The ocean also sequences large amounts of dangerous carbon dioxide. The ocean regulates our climate, cool waters soak up heat from the sun, they are a big part of our life support system. It is estimated that that 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped in our oceans and it is set to double by 2025


Ocean biologist Jacque Cousteau (1910-1997) was an inspiration when I was growing up and also for many people interested in ocean environmental and conservation issues.

Recently Jaques Cousteau’s grandson has been part of a series of documentaries highlighting environmental and conservation issues of our planets oceans. He specializes in oceanography which is looking into scientific aspects of our oceans to better understand what is happening due to pollution and global warming issues.

His grandson has recently also highlighted concerns in regard to melting ice gaps in Antarctica and has explained present forecasts are not accurate.

This graph by Nasa on line shows up to date figures going back to 1979.

                                                                A clip from CNN News on Jacque Cousteau

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