Showing posts with label home grown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home grown. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Allotment news

The time is right to start to grow your own veg, having an allotment can make this easier, however growing in home made garden boxes can be just as efficient.

Firstly growing from seed and putting them in little seedling pots and then planting out when they are big enough.

Making paper seedling pots can help prevent climate change, waste can reduce natural landscapes and can in hand effect our environment. A lack of natural resources can effect the planets viable sustainability.

Seedlings of Rainbow chard

Cauliflower seedlings these are needing to be re potted into bigger pots.

Beds have been prepared for seeds and will hopefully become seedlings

Trimming the grass using a trimmer makes live easier and also prevents weeds and green fly. The pond has new frogs in which help prevent insects damaging crops.
Ponds within an Allotment helps prevent insect damage and also helps with pollination, visiting bees can drink from the pond and helps with wildlife.

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