Up Cycle Philosophy
I was reading the newspaper the other day and I found this interesting article on fashion direction that interests me in regard to it's up cycled theme and approach to designer lead fashion styling. The look is being approached by a number of key designer lead brands including Gucci and Coach. The concepts are based on vintage clothing along side thrift shopping. I way of giving not just their consumers a collection to follow, but to add value to fashion people who can still look similar without the need to spend so much money. What came first the chicken or the egg, is it street fashion imergying through designer lead collections or is it a new look at ecology, saving the planet by promoting up cycling by creating this key look. What ever the order it's something I love creating myself and believe this approach of adding vintage to new contemporary design is a psychological look at sustainability making clothes that have longevity and showing how clothes already made can still be worn within new fashion fields
Newspaper article by Anna Murphy