Showing posts with label sustainable design. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sustainable design. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 November 2019

Up Cycling in Design

Up Cycling :Sustainable Design

Decorating an old Fashion Mannequin with buttons saved from a previous fashion business, more buttons to add using dress makers pins with pearl and diamanté tips. 

Added more buttons to up cycled project button adornment on mannequin.

Completed Homage to Fashion Mannequin using buttons and studs from my previous fashion business. I have attached them using pins with pearl ends and therefore can use the buttons if needed and can enjoy looking at them all embellishing my old fashion mannequin. 

Upcycling and using up things that you already own into new exciting fashion items to wear or for the home is the new genre. Fashion products are encompassing this new look which can be described as Steam Punk, shabby chic.

To reduce carbon emissions reducing waste is a key factor in sustainable living, currently their are a number of ways that people can link to this age old way of renewing and re using. one of which is crafting your own artifacts, interior pieces and clothing. As a designer and a teacher encouraging and nurturing peoples desires to be more eco conscious and to reduce waste, creatives are offering small craft projects in local areas in church halls, schools and clubs.
Creative works shops and current TV programmes including finding project ideas at local tips and re using by customizing old furniture and pieces of vintage fabrics into new art concepts from old warn out products is helping reduce climate change.
As I am currently working as a supply teacher covering art lessons, DT and textiles I am looking into developing my own areas of interest including jewellery projects in which I would access a short jewellery course in Nottingham to help me with my craft practice in this area.
Other areas of interest would be to develop a small courses myself within Art printing and design development, possible Photoshop for textiles including repeat pattern developments for art and craft enthusiasts and current crafters.

I have recently attended a number of Christmas craft fairs were I have viewed a number of upcycled craft stalls created some lovely ideas. Within my MA I have created processes to eliminate chemical dyes and printing inks, developing my own inks for writing and inks for printing. using natures colours within my local area i.e nettle dyes and blackberry, avocado pips and other natural colours has inspired me to consider sharing this with other craft people and artisans.

Hand made Rare Rabbits photographed by Terry Williams for Lofthandmade.

Loft Handmade are a local group who work out of Edingley  Church hall who currently run small workshops, knit and natter groups and have crafts for sale in their studio space. Also their is a large collection of fabrics , buttons and haberdashery. They also over a knit and natter group were all age groups are welcome.

Saturday, 24 August 2019

Appendix XVII: Future and emerging design innovations.

Appendix XVII: Future emerging design innovations 

Future and emerging trends to combat single use plastics that pollute the planet which in turn affects climate change by reducing oxygen creating and carbon monoxide sequencing through natures natural effects.


Action through the next generation of actevites proving the new generation will and do continue to turn action into new legislation to ban polluting plastics.( Aug.2019)

New emerging design courses to help designers effectively change the damaging effects of none bio degradable product design.

Similar to Ecology Evolution tote bag slogan ’quit plastics’ this sort of advertisement could help reduce harmful single use plastic to combat Marine Plastic Pollution.

Californian veg shop clears shelves of single use plastic (victoria.meadows2/ Aug 2019)

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Green Issues in Design : Ecology Evolution: Abstract


“The epidemic psychosis of our time is the lie of believing we have no ethical obligation to our planetary home.”  Theodore Roesak

.( Aug.2019)

The reasoning behind this book has come from a comprehensive journal documenting a project brief for a Masters Degree at University Lincoln of which extracts can be viewed in (Appendix I /II)
Global warming, also referred to as climate change, is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system and its related effects. Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming.] Many of the observed changes since the 1950s are unprecedented in the instrumental temperature record, and in paleoclimate proxy records of climate change over thousands to millions of years.( 25/08/2019.11.28am)

Castro trophic tipping point of Global Climate Change. The point were the planets biodiversity, natural resources for energy, climate change and the eradication of our polar regions of our planet will reach us into an era were we will have lost the natural resources to service the human race, a world of non-biodiversity.

“This is already happening with the effects of serious weather changes, alterations in global carbon cycles, eco systems degradations, mass extinction, increases in demands of water food and energy needs. Potentially we can change the devastation we are in by changing our habits, it is a planetary emergency to avoid a global catastrophe. However many scientists believe change will never happen as the world is run via monetary values” (Appendix III:transcript Ten Billion years Director:Peter Webber:writer Stephen Emmott).

Therefore it is every bodies responsibility to live sustainable lives, just like it is our responsibility to put litter in a bin “consume less and strive to be carbon neutral”

The Anthropecene;Making sense of the climate change 

                     A good short definition of the Anthropocene is explained in (Appendix XII)

                                                 The Project Brief MA Design.

The story of our natural habitats and wildlife through the eyes of an ecology-based design perspective to develop and debate strategies and outcomes for a better and greener world thorough our own personal lifestyle choices is of what I’m trying to develop and analyze as a designer and a consumer.(Appendix II)

"Purposely looking at ways to reduce the impact on the environment by choosing more eco sound production processes, materials and longevity of design principles to create the most economically ecology effective products or services."

                               Looking closely at my dissemination development

Initially I created imagery to add to a tote bag as a reason to promote environmental and conservational issues connected to plastic pollution of our oceans.
Semiotics is an interesting  research value within  product design imagery "Semiotics definition, the study of signs and sign -using behaviour. it was defined by one of its founders, the swiss linguist Ferninand De Saussure, as the study of the life of signs within society and include emojis, road signs and corporate logos" described in the Britannica dictionary.( Aug.2019)Tote bags for shopping have traditionally been used to advertise company logos brands, statements connected to human nature ie I love ?, be green, save the planet etc.
A product with a design on it to add social impact, is about communicating  above and beyond its function. 
However in this case a tote bag has a function on the basis that it removes single use plastic use when it is used in connection to shopping and directly links to the concerns of  the campaign advertised.  Tote bags can be added and used to promote proto types within the range of fabrics and wall art created and the philosophy is that tote bags can be added to many ranges of products to exclude plastic use within consumer trading. Donations from sales could can also go to environmental campaigns including Antarctica Ocean Sanctuary and therefore act as advertisement for social change and the use of raising funds. These products can also be used as part of a package when purchasing from many ranges (removing the need of unnecessary packaging).

Slogan used on the back of Tote bags to promote

Antarctica from depleting and it's eventual total loss of ice caps.

                   The Green Consumer

The green consumer and green activist is someone who is passionate about ecology and concerned with saving the planets natural environment. As Green peace Explains “People are passionate about peace, passionate about positive change through action. Together we are unstoppable.( accessed July.2018).Research suggests that brands that establish a reputation for sustainability can inherit a younger millennial consumer base and build on their reputation for sustainable products. One aspect is even more clearer is that people wanting sustainable products also expect quality and durability within their purchases. As the guardian points out , explaining recent governmental reports on consumer behaviour.(Appendix XIV)

Brief over view of project

Poster for MA Show The Poster used for the end of project show at University Lincoln. MA studio in Design end of Degree Show June 20...