Wednesday, 2 November 2022

Creating Art Resources

 Creating personalized resources for education is something I have been developing for some time, interested in showing a path way for learning I have started to photograph resources and will be adding them to my blog as a library of my resources for current and future use:

Final piece in pencil.

Tracings taken from resources.

Resources to trace.

Resources for tracing.

Trace images onto page, adding a good composition.

Lettering to add interest and added Cubism style.

Add a grid style abstract cubist element.

Angular sectioning layer.

A step in the process.

Added lettering to image.

Tradition mark making palette.

Unique style mark making.

Cubism as been an inspirational choice of mine throughout my design career and has influenced modern society ever since Pablo Picasso and Braque started it initial direction.

Step by step processes to make a similar Art pieces has been a subject I have taught many times. Whether it is cutting and di-secting a page into squares or using a ruler and creating diagonal sections and drawing different angles and perspectives of still life imagery. 

The process I am showing below includes adding imagery in a layered and overlapping way, then adding geometric structures over the top and then using the sections created to add tone and unique mark making techniques to create an interesting Art piece that links closely the Cubism Art Movement. 

Monday, 16 May 2022

Double Exposure Photoshop

 Link to tutorial

The following tutorial is a very easy way of creating a double exposure effect using photoshop essentials.

Tuesday, 25 January 2022

Vintage Family Photography

Mountains Scottish Borders near Hawick

Grandma May Holden nee Leithead Scottish Borders hiking in 1920’s/30’s

My grandfather Archer Holden born Loughborough 1930’s.
Printed using vintage enlargers and printing solution
Developer bath, stop bath, fixer bath then water. Dry in drying photo cupboard.

Friends my grandma worked with in the knitting factory she worked in Hawick.

My grandfather manger of a dye house Coultaulds Loughborough during the war. 

Fell walking with friends my grandma, second from right.

The original negatives on a light board.

My grandmother(centre) and her friends

My grandfather with pet airdale dog

My grandma with either my mum or uncle Sandy.

My mum late 1930’s probably Scarborough.

My mum and her next door neighbour 1930’s.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

The Growing Season

The Real Reasons for growing your own veg connected to climate change and healthy life style choices . I found the following link

Reducing my carbon footprint by drying my own home grown produce

Purchased online takes 4-6 hours to dry fruit, different options in terms of temperature , doesn’t use much electricity.

Stored dried apples in glass jars.

The season has been particularly compelling due to the corona virus, food shortages, limited stocks and the problem of shopping generally under lockdown.
Therefore I choice to grow veg at home in home made planters as well as on my allotment. Due to schools being shut down and my job role as a teacher, I have had the time to develop my crops.

Runner beans are ready to pick and they tend to produce more the more you pick.

Home grown runner beans.

Tomatoes grown outside take longer to ripen then in a green house. I may buy a green house next year , it’s a big outlay of money and I have tried to spend as little as possible.Growing from seed and buying discounted small plants. 

Recent veg crop from my allotment.Courgettes, purple pea pods, Swiss Chard and Marrow.

Marrow plant similar to a courgette. 
The late Harvest

Collected fruit and veg at the end of August 

Apple cordial made from my little apple tree. I have recently ordered a fruit dryer so will be trying to dry some of my apples. 

I grew a lot of courgettes and marrow which where great to roast and make super soups which I have eaten and frozen. The courgettes are great turned into spaghetti using a veg Cutting machine.

Since returning from my holiday the grass has gotten longer on my allotment. I’m using an electric strummer and a petrol generator. I will be paying a solar panel generator next year. They are less noisy and a lot more greener.

Saturday, 30 October 2021

Repairing Oceans globally

Scientists have confirmed that our oceans can be restored in the future if we change our behaviour.

Click on the link for full article Our Oceans Future

Re-use, recycle Reduce Project.

Plastic Bottle Recycle Project

Developing ideas for re-purposing plastic bottles.

Using a soldering iron to cut into plastic bottles to create art is one way to manipulate and re-use plastic.

This is a plastic bottle cutter that can create twine and plastic rope, currently I am learning the technique , maybe softening the bottles first would make it a bit easier.
The objective is to create a project to inform the viewer the need to reduce plastic pollution by creating art and purpose built recycling stations using recycled plastic bottles. There is a need to make recycling a more important issue and to encourage people to seek out alternatives to their current plastic usage.
Scientists and designers are already making bio degradable plastics to replace current plastics which take between 400-1000 years to decompose. This means all the plastic from the last 50 years is still currently on on earth. Billions of tons of plastic waste which needs to be removed from our natural environment. 

Friday, 16 April 2021

The need to grow your veg

The need to grow your veg in order to do our bit for climate change seems to become more popular since lock down. More people are connecting to their environment and taking up gardening.
This year I have returned to my allotment which needed quite a lot of weeding and maintenance.

The before picture of my allotment.

The after picture, most of the work down, just a bit more strimming and weeding, then planting new veg.

First thing to do is dig up my main crop bed.

Planting out potatoes crops, two varieties planted across three rows. Still found some crops before digging.

Leaks, Chinese lettuce and kale lived through the winter months.
However the shed didn’t make it.It will need rebuilding and one other shed will need to be repaired and one will have to come down.

Plenty of strimming to catch up with and plenty of weeding.
Strawberry batch needs a good weeding, plenty of gardening to do.

Brief over view of project

Poster for MA Show The Poster used for the end of project show at University Lincoln. MA studio in Design end of Degree Show June 20...