Wednesday, 29 August 2018

The Green Approach to Designing

The power to design using a direction to include sustainability is more than a growing trend. The agenda for the future is to recognize whether designing or buying(end user)have ecological responsibility. Environmental issues are not just the responsibility of governments, it’s everyone’s responsibility.
Sustainable design is our future, in order for the world to pull back the chaos of pollution and the over use of our natural resources. We need to consider connecting with nature and the ability we have as humans to recreate from what is being wasted, this brings me to my current research.

My research is about the fundamental urgency for ecology issues to be recognised by designers and consumers. Responsible shopping co-existing with responsible designing.
Re-using, up-cycling, reducing is a key link to how we can change and start to consider sustainable products.

                                             The Green Design Initiative

In my search for such products I have noted a number of designer/makers who are currently re- using products that have forfilled there use (wooden palettes).
There is a growing trend within design, recycling palettes into useful items.
Outdoor furniture is typical of how designer/makers are reusing, recycling wood to useful and ethically pleasing furniture pieces.
Corner Sofa made by hand .Sean Satchell.
Bright turquoise has been used to compliment the climate in Menorca. This colour is also traditional in this area of the Mediterranean used within local architecture on the island.
Designer maker Sean Satchell has transformed unwanted palettes into useful garden:patio furniture.
Creating bespoke furniture specifically for individual requirements.
Re using, reworking materials gives designers the choice to add social responsibility to the designer/maker roles.

Small side table or Plant Stand.
The Adirondack Chair Traditional Homestead style.
Named after a Mountain

As philosophers and researchers gather information on what is happening with our planets resources Theodore Roszak points out
“The epidemic of our time is the lie of believing we have no ethical obligation to our planetary home” .

Studio Space/Workshop

Workshop space can be created in small spaces for ease of production processes and can link easily within  individual homes. Removing the need to pay for working premises and also keeping costs down.
Sean Satchell in his workshop up-cycling wood.
Traditional Hand Carpentry

Traditional wood work processes limiting waste.
Small work spaces reduce costs for the consumer.

      My blog is a away not only to connect to consumers but also to connect with Designer Makers and companies who are relevant to my research and current interest.
The Green initiative currently trending is for people to think about our environment and consider our own unique carbon foot print and in small ways we can change the current global green house effect. Buying products that have used little or no natural resources is a good thing. Up cycling is a way of insuring less global waste which is deeply effecting our oceans and wildlife.

  Local Traditional Stores
Traditional Small Independents shops that like to include local crafts are ideal locations for smaller items. Small enough for tourists and locals to shop easily stock. 

Small boutique: Cuitdella Port Menorca.
Specialist eco conscious natural fabrics tie dyes and batik sarongs and throws are sold including other home interior items and jewelry. Created from a previous fishing boat house, this store is filled with charm and interesting little handmade items and weathered patined  bric a brac.

Eco-conscious designs have over the last decade or so changed from it’s original perspective of tie dye throws, rope beaded curtains and hemp bean bags established in the 1960’s. Linked to the hippy sub culture which previously represented anti –fashion. Empowered the consumer with visual cues of his/her socio political power associated with animal and human rights. The new eco conscious market challenges these understood stero- typical images. This is a challenge for designers of which many have eco conscious production and values but don’t promote it as their main aim. Eco-ghosting is the terminology designers who eco produce but don’t shout about it. As consumers become more and more aware designers are responding accordingly.(the Guardian)

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