Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Ecology News reviews On the Planets Health.

The Royal Families Commitment to Climate Change Issues.
The Royal family including the Queen and Prince Charles and his sons have been campaigning for environmental issues across the global for decades. The Queen has launched her Tree Canopy Trust were by she has pledged to plant numerous amounts of new forests across the globe. Charles and his sons have been campaigning for environmental issues also for many decades. 
A recent book I have been reading has a printed letter from Prince Charles giving more detail in regard for his views and ambitions for the reversal of green house gases. The book is called Drawdown The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed To Reverse Global Warming  Edited by Paul Hawken published by Penguin Books. Anyone who is wanting to understand global warming needs to read this.

The following article was recently published
Indeed, Prince Charles is known for addressing environmental issues, including global warming, sustainability and ocean pollution.
His passion for raising awareness for the issues has obviously rubbed off on his sons, with Prince Charles and Prince Harry joining forces to attend the future king’s International Sustainability Unit’s meeting in February this year.
Prince Charles spoke at length about the threat coral reef faces and the impact climate change will have on future generations.
“It is a common phrase now that rather than borrowing our present from future generations, we are stealing it.,” the Prince said at the event.
“Well, the speed of the ecological marine cataclysm that we have engendered is such that not only will our children be faced with the monochrome legacy of the graveyard of destroyed reefs and the collapse of marine biodiversity, but the majority of us alive today will stand witness to the process.”

Prince Charles delivers a speech about the ‘nightmare’ of plastic waste in January (Getty)

Last year, Prince William warned that overpopulation is ruining the natural environment by putting wildlife under ‘enormous pressure’.
The prince is also patron of The Tusk Trust, which aims to protect African wildlife.
“We are going to have to work much harder, and think much deeper, if we are to ensure that human beings and the other species of animal with which we share this planet can continue to co-exist,” the prince told an audience at The Roundhouse in London, according to Business Insider.

(https://uk.style.yahoo.com/prince-harry-reveals-teased-school-habit-prince-charles-taught-102500517.html5.00pm  accessed on 6.11.18)

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