Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Up cycled Old Pennies for Tote Bag Design

Clamp used to hold pennies in when drilling

Drilled pennies and the drill bit that was used.

Piller Drill with cut out switch behind for emergencies.

Detail for Tote Bag.

Old Pennies that I have kept since a child have a visual equality that links to previous times and can give an nostalgia and an awareness of recycling, up cycling theme to my Tote Bag Design. I am designing a Tote Bag to reduce single use plastics as part of my MA Design project. 
Old pennies without drill holes

Method of Application.

I have chosen to drill a hole in my pennies using a drill. Firstly a used a punch hole tool to make a small v shape into the penny. This helps the drill from moving around. For this task,it is important to put the pennies in a vise and make sure when drilling it is placed over the gap so that the drill has room to go through the penny and doesn’t continue to drill through the vise.
Technique to use when drilling is to drill a bit then ease of drill a bit and ease of making sure you hold the vise securely and don’t let the drill bit to move around.

The drill opposite is a Piller Drill used for various making techniques.
I have chosen it as the easiest way to drill holes in pennies.I needed to wear protected goggles also I wore overalls took anything that could have got stuck or dragged into machine i.e  clothing .
Queen Victoria on a penny from the turn of the century.
Clamp that secured the pennies in place, make sure they are secure otherwise the penny will run up the drill bit.
The Piller drill and drill bit used to drill pennies.
Drilled pennies with image of drill bit used.

Penny with jump ring, this is just a ring I found in the makers lab. I will order a slightly larger ring about 7mm in rose gold. I will attach the penny to the tote bag with crocheted rope or leather shoe lace.

Finished detailing for tote bag to encourage upcycling.

These pennies and also the pom poms that are to be attached to bags need to be soldered as the metal loops are coming apart.

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