Thursday, 14 May 2020

Allotment update

Plenty of things on on the Allotment. Potatoes and onions plus garlic planted out a couple of months ago. Unfortunately this week we had frost and all my potatoes gave currently perished. However apparently they my grow back. Not the case for the broccoli thatI planted as small seedling there gone. Rainbow chars and cauliflower seedlings still living, however quite small. Time will tell.Its a case of trial and error as I have only had the allotment 12 months and still learning. Success has occurred for my Jerusalem potatoes that I planted last year which I didn’t pick last year so have double the amount this year. Onions are also growing good. Due to corona virus I grew my broad beans peas and runner beans at home in pots and long planters. 

New mini bed frames for raspberries, wood given too me for fire wood, seemed to good to burn.Will hopefully build more.Also considering a couple of tunnels to help with frost and birds.

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