The following images and video clips can explain what I have been doing in terms of furniture renovations.
A journal to reflect and add rationals and conclude by writing detailed personal evaluations of project work achieved.Natures Armour and embellishment explores natures casings and integral structures within wildlife and nature. Using natural patterns and textures,exploring natural life journeys of wildlife and forna gaining inspiration from geological elements.Secondary research via artifacts and interior and exterior Stately homes.
Thursday, 5 September 2024
Vinterior redesign up-cycle furniture
When researching how to up date furniture I decided to venture into the area having realised my own furniture needed updating. While searching on face book selling page I came across a number of items I new I could update and maybe use or sell on? However I like what they have now become and I’ve decided to keep them. Maybe redesign and up cycle more pieces moving forward.
Tuesday, 9 January 2024
Brief over view of project
Poster for MA Show |
The Poster used for the end of project show at University Lincoln.
MA studio in Design end of Degree Show June 2019.
Ecology Evolution Project
My project is about green issues, I have choice to develop my own inks for printing and have experimented with dying fabrics to find the right pigments using natural resources. This idea has come from the need for eco conscious values to be embedded into my art work.
The objective for my art work is to encourage social impact in regard to ecology issues linked to our depleting natural world within our oceans and more specifically protecting Antartica. My point has been to use visuals to encourage consumers and viewers to seek a deeper understanding of their own carbon foot print and to change their consumer behaviour to use less single use plastics.
The main issue I have decided to use within my set work is the current climate change emergency and have choicen a Green Peace Campaign ”Antarctica Ocean Santuary”
Imagery has been based around oceans and the need to save the worlds ecology and especially the need to reduce single use plastics.
I am hoping to encourage green living and to awaken the need to protect Antarctica via the need for everyone to consider their own carbon footprint and reduce their single use plastic purchases.
I have chosen a blog to record all my developments of which print making has been my main area of interest. The blog has been converted into a book which has become the main focus of my project showing my design journey in a comprehensive format.
Book conversion from my blog.(
Side view of blog to book .MA Journals:Ecology Evolution.
Inside cover of MA Journals: Ecology Evolution.
Inside of MA Journals:Ecology Evolution
MA Journal : Ecology Evolution showing publishing lay out.
MA Journals Ecology Evolution : Printing developments.
I have used natural resources in my work and believe if a product can return to the earth without too much pollution ie compostable materials, then it’s a lot less environmentally destructive than man made plastics which take hundreds of years to decompose.
My MA project is about looking at how natural resources are depleting and how ecology is developing in order to create a better future for our planet and how traditional art can be intergrated within digital technology to create new imagery that encourages consumers to think in a more eco conscious value and by doing this can help with the reduction of carbon emissions to draw down climate change to save Antarctica from disappearing.
By Victoria Meadows
MA Design : Dissertation
History of Conservation of Nature
The beginning
of conservation and respect for nature can be seen through history starting
from early history of mankind when nature’s wildlife and seasons were
incorporated into early religions i.e Sun gods, sacrifices to improve weather
changes and harvests. Customs and ancient ceremonies to pay homage to the
earth’s natural surroundings can be seen through different cultures around the
Specific laws
were created in medieval times to protect woodland for the pleasure of nobility
and royals. After the Norman conquest large areas of land were annexed using
forest laws.
Some of the
first conservation areas of the early medieval period were granted mainly so
that landowners and royalty could hunt freely. Knowing there would not be any
depletion of game in their private woods by making it illegal to poach on the
kings lands
Forest laws
were extended in the 18th century called the black law, hanging
people for encroaching on to Royal hunting grounds. These laws extended to
overseas colonies of which the remnants are used to create conservation areas
today. Re wilding is a relatively old theory which is being used today to
create new Natural areas of land to help reach drawdown to prevent global warming
Conservation needs of today go far more than previously has ever seen. Individuals can become a movement of people activism, campaigning and demanding change through group discussions and using the world web. I have challenged this theory through my blog "NaturesArmour, and through my dissemination I added my blog to social media, it is also currently life on line. I have received enough feedback to increase my page reviews by adding to community blogsites to increase awareness of climate change, lifestyle choices and green design strategies within design.
Environmental Impact of
humans have been having an impact on our environment since evolution evolved
our planet and homo Sapiens became the super power race against most predators.
When as hunters and gathers humans started to farm and domesticate animals we
can see climate change being effected by mankind’s lifestyle.
During the late
19th century within Industrial Revolution a number of Artists and
critics voiced their concerns. In regard to pollution. (“If only the geologists
would let me alone, I could do very well, but those dreadful Hammer’s! I hear
the dink of them at the end of every cadence of the Bible verses”.(John Ruskin,
letter to Henry Acland 1851).
As the textile designer, poet and social activist William Morris explains the need that "Nature and History Morris asserted were, or at least ought to be, the two great teachers of mankind. This statement shows in part Morris's environmentist values and is connected to the pre-Raphaelite art movement that includes the aesthetic movement. His hatred for the industrial revolution is well documented. When researching textile history we can see great changes during the industrial revolution created by Britain's technical innovations resulting in social change.
Textile Technologies/Handmade
Within the twentieth and twenty-first century we are seeing new transformations of design, manufacture and consumer interaction. As it is explained in The Handbook of Textile Culture "In a post-industrial culture the artisanal, material cultures once marginalized as lacking the authority of symbolic meaning, or the capacity for abstract thinking, are becoming reconsidered as a source of knowledge. Integrating the techne-technique and technologies of manufacturer by hand and machine". A new collaboration of the old and the new, techniques, philosophies and theories of knowledge.
Design Choices and
Lifestyle Issues
“The Romantic
movement which included aestheticism were protesting over the destruction of
idyllic rural life for a world of dark Satanic Mills written in William Blake’s
1804 poem.” (Lewis and Maslin.2018.206). One of the earliest environmental
needs based action campaigns was created by the artist/poet Sir William Blake.
He started an organization called the coal smoke abatement society which was
founded in Richmond in 1898 which resulted in the smoke abatement Act including
soot, ash and gritty particles.
Another well
known campaign that ended in a riot was in Nottinghamshire when “artisanal
textile workers broke machines to defend their wages against further declines.
Known as the Luddites they began in Arnold, Nottingham, on 11th
March 1811, with over two thousand people marching and then smashing
sixty-eight spinning frames”.(Lewis and Maslin,2018.206).
Scientific revolution
sprung into the new industrial world. An example of this is when in 1824 Joseph
Aspdin patented a chemical process known as Portland cement which has since
revolutionized building techniques. Electricity, the invention of the light
bulb and the use of fossil fuels have contributed to today’s global warming.
A lot of new
knowledge came out of the 19th century including Darwin’s theory of
evolution which set religious philosophy against scientists in fact Darwin did
not publish his papers due to concerns via ridicule from religious leaders.
Carbon Dioxide Spike
Scientists are working across the globe
researching how environmental strategies
across the globe are being carried out in order to keep current and develop new emerging
techniques to reverse global warming. 3.00pm)this graph is based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, provides evidence that atmospheric C02, has increased since the industrial revolution.
Ocean Theme
Oceans and sea
creatures have been depicted within art and design since ancient Greeks and
Romans and other ancient cultures, tribes and religions. I have chosen to use
oceans, wildlife, natural flora, nautical imagery as my focus in order to
improve knowledge of conservation and marine ecology of our oceans. The oceans contain a huge variety of life recent estimations conclude their are up to 2 million species found in and around coral reefs, the sea produces around half of all oxygen we breath( thanks to phytoplankton, tiny single cell ocean plants). The ocean also sequences large amounts of dangerous carbon dioxide. The ocean regulates our climate, cool waters soak up heat from the sun, they are a big part of our life support system. It is estimated that that 8 million tonnes of plastic waste is dumped in our oceans and it is set to double by 2025
Ocean biologist
Jacque Cousteau (1910-1997) was an inspiration when I was growing up and also
for many people interested in ocean environmental and conservation issues.
Recently Jaques
Cousteau’s grandson has been part of a series of documentaries highlighting
environmental and conservation issues of our planets oceans. He specializes in
oceanography which is looking into scientific aspects of our oceans to better
understand what is happening due to pollution and global warming issues.
His grandson has recently
also highlighted concerns in regard to melting ice gaps in Antarctica and has
explained present forecasts are not accurate.
This graph by Nasa on line shows up to date figures going back to 1979.
A clip from CNN News on Jacque Cousteau
The Harvest
I have been picking a lot of different types of beans dwarf green beans, purple dwarf beans, runner beans and dwarf beans. They have been great to add to stir fries and curries. I am currently growing some petit pous as my peas I harvest in July. My aubergines, chillies and peppers are doing well and I some Gouds growing currently. Also trying to grow lettuce leafs in fabric pots.
Plenty of runner beans, aubergines, rainbow chard , tomatoes and chillies.
Plenty of runner beans, aubergines, rainbow chard , tomatoes and chillies.
Picking organic fruit and veg is a lovely pass time and encourages a healthy life style choice.
Tuesday, 14 November 2023
Autumn Allotment
Once it’s November best thing to do is prepare soil. Some people add manure , then cardboard , then mulsh. By doing this you can incourage good soil for next season. I have just bought a special electronic tester. It turns out my soil is a bit acid based which means veg doesn’t grow well and in fact only small veg will grow. This season I have only grown runner beans , french beans, peas and broad beans. Also grew potatoes, they where small.
I have researched and need to put a fertiliser that will reduce the acid level. I need to put this on with the compost.
Sunday, 9 July 2023
Fruit Harvest
Cooked gooseberries straight into pan with a couple of table spoons of sugar, mix until sugar turns to syrup and boil for about 15 mins until consistency is how you want it?
Cooked gooseberries ideal to have with yogurt or pancakes.
Sugared raspberries ideal with cereal or granola.
Raspberries picked from allotment
Gooseberries harvested from allotment.
This years strawberries have been very good picked a number of large cylinders of big strawberries. Froze a lot individually on trays and bagged up. I will be freezing quite a lot of the gooseberries. The rest I will cook and sweeten and have with natural yogurt.
Growing outside my home
Growing plants outside your home in pots can help reduce your weekly shopping costs. Growing from seed can be a cheap way of growing veg. I tend to mix it a bit , buying some some plants for growing and some from seed, creates a better balance. This year I bought a mix of tomatoe seeds and now have a small forest of different types of tomatoe plants that are just beginning to flower. I’m very excited to see what type of tomatoe will be grown.
Starting grow bigger and flowering well.
Sunflowers starting to grow.
Tomatoes starting to flower.
Various tomatoe plants outside my home.
Big potatoe fabric pots ideal for growing veg and very reasonably priced.
Lettuce leads, tomatoe plant and sun flower.
Lettuce leads, tomatoe plant and sun flower.
Starting grow bigger and flowering well.
Sunflowers starting to grow.
Tomatoes starting to flower.
Great veg bags made from fabric with window for growing potatoe or carrots.
Peas for adding to stir fry
Runner beans and french beans
Various tomatoe plants
Runner beans and purple french beans.
Peas for adding to stir fry
Runner beans and french beans
Various tomatoe plants
Runner beans and purple french beans.
Thursday, 8 June 2023
The Growing Season
The Good Life series ran in the 1970’s and 1980’s inspiring series where by a couple decide to give up the rate race and grow there own veg , keep hens etc . Give up work and become self sufficient. Totally loved the series and now I have an allotment, grow veg around my house and work as a supply teacher in order to live the good life without being tied to the day to day city life I previously had,living in the countryside and living that simple laid back life style.
Set in Surbiton Surrey, even lived in Surbiton in the 1980’s great place loved the series.
My attempt at self sufficient life style, considering the current cost of living crisis, I’m not doing to badly, currently harvesting french beans, cucumbers, swish chard, lettuce and peas. I have plenty of tomatoe plants flowering, lots of runner beans and other french beans, leeks, broccoli, potatoes, corn, courgettes, aubergines, chillies and peppers still growing. I hope it all harvests well.
Allotment News.
Inside my poly tunnel. I have been growing cucumbers , tomatoes, peppers, chillies, aubergines , lettuce and beans. Really happy with how fast veg grows inside rather than outside. I have enough space for another poly tunnel.
Cucumbers growing in quantity inside of poly tunnel with new irrigation set up so I don’t need to go every day to water. Working great. The good life is a reality.
Aubergines starting to grow.
Large tomatoes.
Purple tomatoes.
Tomatoes are starting to grow
Plenty of flowers should fruit into tomatoes, grew different varieties , sizes and colours from seed.
Finding some holes in poly tunnel so will need to buy specialist tape of eBay.
Recently potted aubergines into tubs from grow bags as they looked like they had stopped growing. I have a couple of very small aubergine fruits and plenty of flowers coming through.
Planting out new crops inside new poly tunnel. Will add some shelves so I can have a couple of layers of grow bags.
The new poly tunnel
Needing to add bricks. or old reclaimed roof photo, needing to strim and rotovate plot. I will be growing a lot this year due to the price of food . Planting potatoes, some mixed coloured potatoes from last year(not sure if they will grow?
Growing from seed and will be buying plants. I have added more strawberry plants to strawberry patch, will need more raspberry’s ( will get some orange and red x 20.
I am growing multi coloured tomatoe plants, different colours and sizes in poly tunnel.
Planting leeks, spinach, runner beans, french beans, broad beans, lettuce, courgettes green and yellow. Pumpkins, chillie peppers ang broccoli.
I am going to buy some fabric raised beds to plant carrots , lettuce and herbs like coriander and fresh basil etc. These will cost about £20 plus compost put will save on digging plus the soil isn’t that great so buying compost is a sure way of getting a better crop. I will also buy some big hoops to protect from damage and new netting.
The early days of planting doesn’t look like much but has now grown into a good grop level.
The before photo early in Jan 2023
The up to date image
Early growing image
Early Feb image.
The Real Reasons for growing your own veg connected to climate change and healthy life style choices . I found the following link
Reducing my carbon footprint by drying my own home grown produce
Purchased online takes 4-6 hours to dry fruit, different options in terms of temperature , doesn’t use much electricity.
Stored dried apples in glass jars.
Therefore I choice to grow veg at home in home made planters as well as on my allotment. Due to schools being shut down and my job role as a teacher, I have had the time to develop my crops.
Runner beans are ready to pick and they tend to produce more the more you pick.
Home grown runner beans.
Tomatoes grown outside take longer to ripen then in a green house. I may buy a green house next year , it’s a big outlay of money and I have tried to spend as little as possible.Growing from seed and buying discounted small plants.
Recent veg crop from my allotment.Courgettes, purple pea pods, Swiss Chard and Marrow.
Marrow plant similar to a courgette.
The late Harvest
Collected fruit and veg at the end of August
Apple cordial made from my little apple tree. I have recently ordered a fruit dryer so will be trying to dry some of my apples.
I grew a lot of courgettes and marrow which where great to roast and make super soups which I have eaten and frozen. The courgettes are great turned into spaghetti using a veg Cutting machine.
Since returning from my holiday the grass has gotten longer on my allotment. I’m using an electric strummer and a petrol generator. I will be paying a solar panel generator next year. They are less noisy and a lot more greener.
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Vinterior redesign up-cycle furniture
When researching how to up date furniture I decided to venture into the area having realised my own furniture needed updating. While searchi...
Poster for MA Show The Poster used for the end of project show at University Lincoln. MA studio in Design end of Degree Show June 20...
17 :Green Issues in Design ...