Thursday, 1 March 2018

Screen Printing

Research for Screen Print from sketch book

50’s style printed fabric ideas from sketch book

Sketch book Mood Board Influences.

Stencil Cutting for Screen Printing

These images shows the process of cutting patterns into paper which is then added to a 
screen and used instead of using photographic inks to create screens. This method is very throw a way as the paper can only be used for a short period of time and it can only be used once maybe a few times. However the use of a knife to cut into paper gives a type of linear effect that I was looking for as apposed to painterly.
I cut 3 different stencils with the same simplistic value of hearts and floral stencils to give a modern yet throw back to the 50's simplistic life styles. In order to utilize this technique I have saved the screen printed paper printed for each layer and I hope to scan and add to more imagery to give more depth through photo shop and illustrator techniques. Experimenting with different mediums to create a tactile feel to my printed textiles. For this style of print to work with my previous design practice of Knitwear more emphasis
Hand cut method of creating a repeat pattern.
 of historical craft is needed to add more history will add more longevity to my work.
Folk art has been and still is a influence on my work. Treasures of American Folk Art  is a really lovely book with some great images.
Understanding human social and cultural historical crafts created for home-ware gives an insight into what people like through main stream society.

Folk Art is were I think I need to push my illustrations to make them more commercial and a lot me valid as using grids and a campus to add a more commercial effect is also something I need to start doing. Finding ideas and interpretations is what I have been achieving so far.
To extend my work and achieve a good working practice I need to complete some finished illustrated wall papers and fabric designs .
Folk Sketch Book Developments

When I have created a finished design idea I need to then create a screen. If I am wanting to create wall paper it is a different screen due to it having to use slightly different mesh.
If it has more than one colour then it needs two screens and marking up lines or dots need to be added to this to make it line up effectively . The dots or tape put onto tables can give good guidance for accuracy.
For fabric panels for swatch format I am going to print flat square sample which are 24 inch by 22 inch.
For better effect I am hoping to use a large screen and print a double swatch and add to header board.(header board needs to be designed with Ecology Evolution. 
The treasures of Folk Art from Museum of Folk Art
by Gerald C Wertkin

 I am considering different background colours and textures. Sometimes if your not careful you can rip the paper and then it's ruined. The right way is to take your time and turn the paper around. I used a simple stanley knife to cut into cheap newspaper end of roll up-cycled paper. The colours I used were blues to fit into the scheme of other prints that I have been creating and also I added an orange to represent a colour that links to the colour of flowers and also I warn out rusted look which I will be using further on in the collection.

Evaluation: I have tried some screen printing using stencils, my feelings about this is that the stencils have a quality of their own and link to fabrics that are cut into to create detail using industrial stencil cutting or hand cutting. 
Materials that don't fray i.e leather or suede would work well for this technique.
Cut patterns into newspaper.

Creating a harmonious colour theory between all design concepts within the collection is what I strive to achieve when designing. Colour is an important factor to me and making choices is key. I usually create a separate palette for different themed collections.

These images shows the process of cutting patterns into paper which is then added to a screen and used instead of using photographic inks to create screens. This method is very throw a way as the paper can only be used for a short period of time and it can only be used once.
I am interested in creating some laser cut out fabric or mini artifacts to add to fabric or accessories. This will come later on in the project so watch this space for more updates and research.

The hand cutting does mean that the effect is very much a naive image. If I was to continue with this look I would need to add some historical traditional Scandinavian images.
I have been using Instagram and sketch books to advance this idea.   
I also would need to use some technical drawing skills, ruler compass to remove some of the quickness and hand drawn effect as presently its too much.

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